277 entries.
Thank you so much for the thoughtful entries and stories. It helps with the myths and legends I was told as a child. We have many links to the revolutionary war, Whiskey Rebellion, War of 1812, Civil War, WW1, and WW2. I have finally had a breakthrough in the last year using DNA.com from Ancestry.com - where I can now trace my Caldwell genealogy beyond my 3rd Great-Grandfather...and actually have a link to one of the legendary three Caldwell Brothers of Ayrshire - Alexander Caldwell. My Caldwell history is mainly based in the Pittsburgh/Monongahela Valley Pennsylvania area. Though mixed in the American melting pot, my DNA results showed that I am about 75-80% western German/eastern French with 20% split between Irish, Scot, and English. In the last two generations we are now spread from Penn. to Colorado and California. Looking forward to more research and new findings about our Caldwell history.
Best Regards,
Josh Caldwell
Thank you so much for the thoughtful entries and stories. It helps with the myths and legends I was told as a child. We have many links to the revolutionary war, Whiskey Rebellion, War of 1812, Civil War, WW1, and WW2. I have finally had a breakthrough in the last year using DNA.com from Ancestry.com - where I can now trace my Caldwell genealogy beyond my 3rd Great-Grandfather...and actually have a link to one of the legendary three Caldwell Brothers of Ayrshire - Alexander Caldwell. My Caldwell history is mainly based in the Pittsburgh/Monongahela Valley Pennsylvania area. Though mixed in the American melting pot, my DNA results showed that I am about 75-80% western German/eastern French with 20% split between Irish, Scot, and English. In the last two generations we are now spread from Penn. to Colorado and California. Looking forward to more research and new findings about our Caldwell history.
Best Regards,
Josh Caldwell
Thank God for this website I\'ve been kinda search out my family name history for years. My direct descendants came from West Virginia by way of Virginia. My grandfather\'s name was James Albert Caldwell his father was Guy Caldwell and his father was Walker Caldwell. My grandmother\'s name was Lucy Lee Hughes. This site give me a great sense of pride in the Caldwell name.
My grandmother was Statira Eliza Caldwell Van Buren. Her father was Joseph Caldwell. Her grandfather was Paul Caldwell whose father was William Caldwell. I believe William was born around 1760. He was one of those first naturalized in 1781. Those of us attempting to learn more about the man and his family have been doing so for many, many years. We know he lived in the Johnstown - Ephratah - Palatine area of New York State. My DNA results from Ancestry claim that I am 41 % Irish. The only Irish ancestor I have definitely found is Jeremiah Hayes. I am wondering if William also contributed.
how do i get registered again
[Hi Plunkett - your email address bounced back. Good to see you after all these years! I just updated the registration for the forum. On the left mouse over Discussion Forum and you will see a Forum Registration link. Just go there and you should be in in no time. And please let me know if you run in to any problems. Best, John]
how do i get registered again
[Hi Plunkett - your email address bounced back. Good to see you after all these years! I just updated the registration for the forum. On the left mouse over Discussion Forum and you will see a Forum Registration link. Just go there and you should be in in no time. And please let me know if you run in to any problems. Best, John]
Wolf\'s Den Family Genealogy
My ggggrandmother Margaret Caldwell m. John Cook, Keziah Cook m. John Christian Warren Co, KY 1799 . Keziah Cook d.1842 buried Hopewell Cemetery, Irving, Montgomery County Illinois. Much thanks for all the work you have done allowing some of us to reach into our past and the family we have not know...
My ggggrandmother Margaret Caldwell m. John Cook, Keziah Cook m. John Christian Warren Co, KY 1799 . Keziah Cook d.1842 buried Hopewell Cemetery, Irving, Montgomery County Illinois. Much thanks for all the work you have done allowing some of us to reach into our past and the family we have not know...
I\'ve enjoyed the site and was able to connect some dots in my genealogy as well! My previous research had hit a dead end with Joseph Caldwell in Pennsylvania. Now I\'ve been able to add some additional names going back to Ireland. It would be wonderful to trace those Caldwell\'s even farther back at some point in the future.
A big hi to all the Caldwells around the world from Aussie Caldwells
I am a descendant of Margaret Caldwell and James Mitchell. this is an incredible find. Thank you for doing and sharing all this
Fantastic site by the way, I meant to say also. Your research is incredibly thorough. Love the discussion of Anglo-Saxon and neolithic origins!
Curious if my great grandmother, Capitola Caldwell Klutz, was related to Erskine Caldwell.
I am the 3rd great-grandson of David Caldwell of Cumberland COunty, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Samuel Caldwell/Colwell. There is a large number of Caldwell/Colwell families within Cumberland and Franklin counties. I haven\'t been able to determine the parentage of Samuel Caldwell. I searched through your family tree and didn\'t locate any Cumberland County Caldwells.
About two weeks ago my mother, Clara Caldwell Kvaran died. I have picked up her mantle as family flag bearer and am attempting to organize her records. I am also attempting to locate a family portrait (I have the \"She\", somewhere there is a \"He\") as well as clear up the family mystery. I will look around your site and hopefully find some helpful information. Einar
Lloyd Caldwell:
Borne in Roseville Hospital via Shilrle Jame Perteson from parents of Sidney/Edna Peterson. I live in Oregon
Borne in Roseville Hospital via Shilrle Jame Perteson from parents of Sidney/Edna Peterson. I live in Oregon
i would like to farther state that it is not one bit interesting to find that the Caldwells were possible descendants of Oliver Cromwell. I also come from Cromwellian dissidents. I do appreciate the information and stories shared here but the Cromwellian connection saddens me and disturbs me. God Bless Ireland.
David Caldwell was my 7th great grandfather. Its interesting to find more about him here. Even more so than Ancestry.com. Thank you for sharing this . Peace.
Just found this site. Hope to be able to learn more about my Caldwell heritage. My father was Harvey b. 11/3/1914, Durant, OK, his father Frank, his Elijah C and his David Satterwhite Caldwell.
My Great Great Grandfather, John Vernon Caldwell was born Dec, 16, 1799 in Vermont. I know his father was George of Irish-Scotich decendence. I can not find a wife or any other children. And, he lived in Vermont, not Kentucky. John Vernon Caldwell, I have got it all. I am so hung up on George! Thanks
My Caldwell linage comes from my 3rd great grandmother in Clay County Ala. Her brother was named David Crockett Caldwell, CSA.
My mother was a Culwell of Pike County MO. The surname shifted in Kentucky from Caldwell to Culwell in the mid to late 1800s. The patriarch of thie line was Thomas A. Caldwell, b Maryland 1785 (according to census data), died Jefferson Co, KY, 11 Sep 1856. The children who remained in Kentucky generally kept the Caldwell spelling, while those who moved into Missouri changed to Culwell. We have tried without success to discover the antecedents of Thomas A. Caldwell. There is a DNA connection to Samuel Boyd Caldwell (1793-1879 PA) but no documented connection seems available. If anyone has information on Thomas A. Caldwell, it would be most welcome.
I am descended from John and Margaret\'s son, William and am a historian living in Oklahoma. It was good to be able to use your site to verify some of the information our side has gathered over the years!