277 entries.
Link to this site was forwarded to me by my nephew Scot Elam. If my research is correct, I am a descendant of David A. Caldwell born 1769.
Hello, I have enjoyed visiting. I am the maternal Grandmother of a darling little boy (age 5) named FLOYD CHRISTIAN KETCHUM STEWART. Floyd is named after his Daddy\'s maternal Grandfather, FLOYD CALDWELL. Since Floyd\'s birth I have been researching both his Caldwell and Stewart family genealogy. I hope he will be as thrilled about the discoveries I have made as I have been. I have known about the Rev. David Caldwell and his wife Rachael for a while and after reading more about them here I can hardly wait to tell Floyd and his parents about your Caldwell Genealogy site so they can visit too.
Floyd\'s father is TIMOTHY CHRISTIAN STEWART. His parents were TIMOTHY STEWART and LINDA CALDWELL. Linda\'s parents were FLOYD CALDWELL and her Mother is a lovely Samoan lady who\'s name at present I can not recall how to spell. So, my little Floyd has quite an interesting family tree!
I wanted to write just to tell you how much I have enjoyed visiting your genealogy...and give a shout out to the tiny little \'bud\' growing on the Caldwell Family tree named Floyd.
Sharon Ketchum
Boise, Idaho
Floyd\'s father is TIMOTHY CHRISTIAN STEWART. His parents were TIMOTHY STEWART and LINDA CALDWELL. Linda\'s parents were FLOYD CALDWELL and her Mother is a lovely Samoan lady who\'s name at present I can not recall how to spell. So, my little Floyd has quite an interesting family tree!
I wanted to write just to tell you how much I have enjoyed visiting your genealogy...and give a shout out to the tiny little \'bud\' growing on the Caldwell Family tree named Floyd.
Sharon Ketchum
Boise, Idaho
My great-grandma was Mary Ella Caldwell Barton (1876-1958). I was 11 years old when she died. I have many fond memories of her and her stories. I had polio as a child and sat with her most of the time due to the paralysis I had as a child. I have been researching this branch of the family. I enjoyed the research you have completed. We are in Missouri. Her father was David Caldwell (1847-1924).Thank you.
I would like to contact Jennifer Miller from New Zealand (19 Jan 2003). We appear to be closely related.
My grandmother was Clara Houston Caldwell Gregson. I have never been able to understand where the \"Houston\" came from, since I have not noticed that it is a family name. Clara\'s grandfather, Mathew Caldwell (sometimes spelled with 2 t\'s and sometimes with 1) came to America in 1840. I have found that he originated in Renfrewshire, Scotland, then moved to northern Ireland and then migrated across the ocean. I want so much to know about his history before he migrated. If you could possibly point me in the right direction I would be very grateful. Caldwell has remained a family middle name for the past 5 generations.
I have a lot of information on Caldwell from West Monroe, Oswego county, New York. I am having trouble tracing them further back than that. What I do know is that James G. Caldwell was born in November of 1809 in Tyrone Ireland and sailed to Philadelphia in 1832 aboard the ship Asia. He than moved to Collins, Erie county, New York and married Jane Emeline Williams, daughter of Dr. Henry Williams. They had their fist child in that town and then moved to West Monroe and had their next ten children, two of whom died at six months and two years old. four of their children joined the union side of the civil war. James, George, and Albert died in the civil war. Dr. Henry W. Caldwell was the only one to survive. I have more info than this, including where two of the brothers died. I would like to add them to this web site. However I am failing at finding a way to contact anyone here. If someone could please contact me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks AVERY CALDWELL
I have information on Anna Elizabeth Hoschler 1892-1934, wife of Ambrose Vanderbeek. Her parents were Fred & Bertha (Mader) Hoschler. She had several siblings. Her grandparents were John & Elizabeth (Kopp) Hoschler.
I can be reached at the above e-mail address if you would like further information.
Kim Callahan
I can be reached at the above e-mail address if you would like further information.
Kim Callahan
Hi, great site, I know my recent family history descends from Ayrshire and trying to find tartan but no luck as yet - any ideas please? Thanks
Howdy just stumbled upon your blog via Yahoo after I entered in, \"Active Guestbook | Caldwell Genealogy\" or perhaps something similar (can\'t quite remember exactly).
In any case, I\'m glad I found it because your content is exactly what I\'m searching for (writing a university paper) and I hope you don\'t mind if I gather some information from here and I will of course credit you as the reference. Thank you so much.
In any case, I\'m glad I found it because your content is exactly what I\'m searching for (writing a university paper) and I hope you don\'t mind if I gather some information from here and I will of course credit you as the reference. Thank you so much.
So pleased to find this and information about the Caldwell family. As I research my ancestry, new and fascinating relationships show such a diverse cocktail we all are.
Hello Caldwell friends,
Your website is most interesting, but unfortunately I have not been able to find the info I am searching for, and maybe I\'m looking in the wrong place. Perhaps you can help me. I sure would appreciate it in our genealogical search.
My great great grandparents, Henry(b. 1827) Caldwell and Margaret (Woods - b. 1826, d.21 Mar 1898) were both born Presyterian in Country Tyrone. I believe they were married in the Ardstraw Presbyterian Church just prior to 1850 and emigrated to Canada (Iroquois, ON) in 1850. I cannot seem to find their names in any of your records online. Then, Henry\'s grandfather (or great grandfather) was born in County Tyrone in 1725 and died 31 Mar 1806.
I have a note of his marriage to one Elizabeth Elliot in 1747.
Can you give me any further info on any of the above? Some of our relatives have enquired as to why Henry and Margaret emigrated to Canada, and to the small town of Iroquois on the St. Lawrence River. Unfortunately, we don\'t have any answers.
Your help (or any assistance) would be most appreciated. We have followed the line on down from Henry and Margaret, but can\'t seem to get anywhere going backward.
Your response or any leads would be most appreciated. Most sincerely,
G Steven Maxted
Tacoma, WA USA
Your website is most interesting, but unfortunately I have not been able to find the info I am searching for, and maybe I\'m looking in the wrong place. Perhaps you can help me. I sure would appreciate it in our genealogical search.
My great great grandparents, Henry(b. 1827) Caldwell and Margaret (Woods - b. 1826, d.21 Mar 1898) were both born Presyterian in Country Tyrone. I believe they were married in the Ardstraw Presbyterian Church just prior to 1850 and emigrated to Canada (Iroquois, ON) in 1850. I cannot seem to find their names in any of your records online. Then, Henry\'s grandfather (or great grandfather) was born in County Tyrone in 1725 and died 31 Mar 1806.
I have a note of his marriage to one Elizabeth Elliot in 1747.
Can you give me any further info on any of the above? Some of our relatives have enquired as to why Henry and Margaret emigrated to Canada, and to the small town of Iroquois on the St. Lawrence River. Unfortunately, we don\'t have any answers.
Your help (or any assistance) would be most appreciated. We have followed the line on down from Henry and Margaret, but can\'t seem to get anywhere going backward.
Your response or any leads would be most appreciated. Most sincerely,
G Steven Maxted
Tacoma, WA USA
Hello, my name is Chip Baker from Tennessee. I am a direct descendant of the Caldwell family dating back to the Caldwell name of Belleek, Fermanaugh, Ireland. I appreciate this site and look forward to reading of the history.
I have another William Caldwell you can add to your database. Born March 28, 1766 and died June 27, 1832. He and his wife Ester/Hester are buried in the Beaverdam Cemetery in Henry Co. TN. I have photos of both tombstones if you wish. I believe his wife to be Ester Buchanan with their marriage on 10 Sep 1787 in Augusta Co. VA.
Paternal grandmother was Statira Eliza Caldwell, daughter of Joseph Cogswell Caldwell and Eliza Caldwell. Joseph was the son of Paul Caldwell and Catherine Thumm. Paul was the son of William (family bible) which is where the line ends for me.
I believe I am descended from Seth Caldwell (#59356) through his son William (Billy) Caldwell. I already had through family sources Seth\'s name, his approx birth year, son\'s name and wife\'s name, which match your information. If you\'re interested I think I can fill in a lot of blank areas.
I am very happy to have found this website! You have amazing history recorded here. My Mother\'s Maiden name is Caldwell and her aunts, my great aunts, keep recorded histories that provide information about Cromwell as well. I found it funny in the myth section about blue eyes and black eyes. My mother is blonde hair blue eyes and i was born with black eyes.
My father was Lawrence Edward Caldwelll, son of Mark McKinley Caldwell. I have been tracing our ancestry for the last 2 years. I enjoyed reading what information you have gathered. It is interesting that my other relatives, the Williams, often cross paths with the Caldwells, and often not on the same side of a disagreement. I would love to talk to anyone interested in my father\'s side of my family.
Research the Caldwell name. Finding this site interesting.
Hi. My father was Gilbert MacWilliam Caldwell born in 1904 in Paisley or Johnston Scotland. His father was James Caldwell and mother Margaret MacWilliam Caldwell. I know for sure he had a brother Daniel and a sister Margaret but that is all i know. My father was married once before he married my mother and had a son James and a daughter possibly Margaret. I believe this was in Eastern Canada. I would love to find any Caldwell relatives as i know nothing about this side of my family tree.
daughter of James David Caldwell and Carolyn Sue Caldwell